Hi Kevin, We received the Oil Lift during the week no problems and have just cleaned our decking. All I can say is what a fantastic product, the deck just sparkles. The deck was pretty messy and slimy because of trees around it and a family of 6 using it all summer. We diluted to 1:5/1:6 & it was very easy to use. Tipped the dregs of the bucket on a huge oil patch on the drive and it has made serious inroads into that too. Thanks for your help when ordering, it took about 7 weeks in total to get to the UK. My only regret is not taking before and after photos. Thanks again, I will spread the word. Mark
Green Building Systems Benjamin Cook, CHMM, MBA
RE: Save the Oceans Graffiti Remover To Whom It May Concern: My firm has developed a specialty anti-graffiti coating that is impenetrable to graffiti of any kind. We use specialty inorganic chemistry to basically glassify the surface of a wall that is getting “tagged”. This technology works great, except it needs a graffiti remover to finish the “system” solution. Upon hearing that Save the Oceans had a green version of graffiti remover that was non-toxic to the environment and to workers, I felt it was worth a try. Initially, it was my understanding that this Graffiti Remover would work in a limited way, taking off single layers of spray painted graffiti at a time. I ran trial on the removal of Sharpie pen and on spray paint. To my amazement, the Graffiti Remover removed the Sharpie pen within 5 seconds, and the spray paint in much less than a minute. The remover appears to work faster, thought this means little, as it is so fast in any case, if the surface is warmer. What I needed was a specific solution to graffiti removal that worked well. I am pleased to know that there is an option that respects the environment and my client’s health, and that works great! Thanks to Kevin Daum at Save the Oceans for his help and his invention. Benjamin Cook, CHMM, MBA President Green Building Systems
Hi Kevin (and the team), your email reminded me to read it! Thank you. I just perused your book - got to section 11...looks fantastic. I like the explanation on 'natural' and 'plant based'... I run in to that all the time. I feel like tattooing the eco-logo on my calf! (always in capri's) ... I had a good chuckle about the folks running for cancer. I flat out REFUSE to donate to any cancer fundraisers! Until they slap a bigass caustic sticker on all those products like the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, etc... I will not cater to their money making scheme. I almost choked when I saw in the health food store signs to buy for your lawn (yes, plastic signs mass produced in China probably) to show people you are not using pesticides on your lawn! Hey, tell you what. Save the $2...spend it on seeds, dig up your lawn...plant those seeds...and eat! THAT is making a statement, not some mindless ornament that will probably show up at the dollar store! Never mind the pink toilet paper, etc....for breast cancer. Ya, lets bleach and then dye our toilet paper?! Weird. I love your product. I don't like the fact that it is found waaaaaaaaaaay far at the very back of Canadian Tire though, right beside the automotive oil. Yes, place some there, but put some at the front of the store! AND with the cleaning CHEMICALS!! Have you approached school districts? I tried asking about what is used for cleaning supplies and it was a hush hush thing. Couldn't get an answer, which reminds me I really should try again. I tell people about your product all the time. I wish you well. And if there is anything I can do, let me know! My van just died (which is tough as I am a single mother of four!!) but when I replace it somehow, I would be more than happy to slap oillift decals on my vehicle! Maybe for some oillift!! LOL Sincerely, Shawna
Noreen Dunbar
Hi I heard about Oillift on the Fred & Gerry show a few years ago. I first tried it to clean the clothes washer drain. A strong smell I had tried to get rid of finally disappeared with Oillift after I had started to wash the laundry with it.. The smell was probably caused by a build up of soap and from using cold water. I was told by one of your employees a few years ago that 1/4 cup of Oillift to a load of clothes was all that was needed. In promoting Oillift to my friends a "selling" point was always "you only need 1/4 cup". Of course I now use Oillift for many cleaning jobs. It is a wonderful product and your new, to me, web site is excellent. Noreen Dunbar.
Helen I think what you're doing is right on point. We need companies to be innovative and responsible in regards to the environment. Can you pour oil lift in the ocean to deal with the mess? I used the product on my slate floors and although I still have a few stubborn stains that didn't lift, most of them did. I am hoping a second application will work. I mixed 5 parts to 1. I feel so much better about having the floors. Will the stuff work on marble? My marble floors are really porous and they take on every bit of dirt. I pick gorgeous natural materials that are really hard to clean. The lessons have been learned. Helen Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
I think what you're doing is right on point. We need companies to be innovative and responsible in regards to the environment. Can you pour oil lift in the ocean to deal with the mess? I used the product on my slate floors and although I still have a few stubborn stains that didn't lift, most of them did. I am hoping a second application will work. I mixed 5 parts to 1. I feel so much better about having the floors. Will the stuff work on marble? My marble floors are really porous and they take on every bit of dirt. I pick gorgeous natural materials that are really hard to clean. The lessons have been learned. Helen Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Terry Alladice
Hi Maggie and Kevin, I have read through your book and found it informative although most of this I have been dealing with for the last 20 years. nice to see someone take the time to write about the "green washing" that takes place on daily basis. We make our own environmentally responsible laundry powder and our towels come out of the dryer smelling as if they were hung up a on clothes line. I finally succeeded in getting my wife to stop using the awful fabric softener once I prove to her how much garage is left on our clothes and the inside of the washer. Hope you don't mind I have passed you book along to our business associate in SE Asia to read. Kevin, hope to meet up with you very soon. Cheers Regards, Terry Alladice 604.987.9390 Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Ron New Jersey, USA
Hi Maggie, I finally gave the Super strength metal tile & grout cleaner a try on one of my copper ship's lanterns. I have been working on this lantern on & off for a month, using what was suppose to be a Super Brass Cleaner & I was killing myself. Well, I sprayed the Super Cleaner I purchased from you on & let it sit for 3 minutes & WOW, what a surprise!!! About 95% of the crud just wiped off. The other 5% I used a plastic wool sponge with minimum effort & the rest disappeared. So in about 1/2 hour I cleaned & polished up the lantern & it Looks GREAT!!! I would like to order another 2L bottle of the Super strength metal tile & grout cleaner. Please send me a Paypal link to [email protected] . Thank You! Cheers, Ron New Jersey USA P.S. I am telling all of my friends about this! .
Gregg M. Buckley Solana Beach, CA
Maggie : Thanks so much. May I please trouble you to send the link that adds 2L of Oil remover to the 2L of double concentrate metal tile & grout cleaner, in order to get the spray bottle for free, and also save on shipping costs? Thank you for the suggestion! Also, I would like to purchase 2 (two) 2 L bottles of Strom Force that is used on your website video cleaning the anchor winch? Thanks!! My vintage marine brass lanterns are going to look great with you metal cleaner, and my 35’ Sports Fisher’s engine compartment is going to be the cleanest it has ever been!!! Gregg M. Buckley
Hi Kevin, I have story for you about what Danny did. The other day our stainless steel dishwasher that's only 2 years old leaked onto the kitchen floor when I was out. So Danny wiped up the floor, then he wrote in big black letters with felt pen all over the dishwasher saying "DO NOT USE BROKEN" in two places he wrote that. Then he relized that it won't come off. I caught him looking up on the internet how to get it off. I was giving him a bad time about it. Shane was listening to me giving him a hard time about I was joking. So I came downstairs the next morning and Shane had cleaned it off with the "OIL LIFT" you gave me. Danny was very releaved. I knew that would work but I just wanted him to sweat abit as that was a dumb thing to do. HAHA It also worked on my t-shirt that I got oil on. Very good stuff. Take Care Rhyl Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Citronal Company Inc. South Florida
Hey Kevin……Enjoyed our recent telephone conversation………Want to speak with you more about filtration speed etc……As mentioned, we are committed to higher filtration volumes as we increase our gpm delivery to the concrete, 20 gpm being our goal, down at 4,000 psi and back to our main tanks at about 15 to 18 gpm…….You have thoughts on this as you described in our conversation, let me know……. So that we might become familiar with your Oil-up product for use in our garage cleaning and service station cleaning work, I have made two orders…….One just a 32 oz size, the other, your package, which includes your metering spray bottle combo…….. Very unique, I came across this after my first order……Looks to be a real boon for those not destined for mixing in different proportions…….Look forward to trying these products out, and once done in a variety of situations, I will call you to discuss my successes……. …….PS…….Good book, very good mission, I applaud you efforts in all this, surely not enough at the working level that are doing it……We too would like to be as green as we can be and still get the job done…… We all know that our work cannot be properly done with doses of very green but largely ineffective solutions, so a balance needs to be struck in all this……..Bottom line is, no matter what we lay down, and how green it is, whatever it is, it is toxic once it hits the oil lanes……. This is academic……….What is not, and needs the utmost of attention, is the complete and super fast recovery, filtration and recycle issue………This be solved, all else easily falls into line, the disposal problem into our storm drain system rendered moot………. When the big job cleaners solve this problem to satisfaction, the smaller, more affordable recycle systems and procedures will naturally be developed and will filter down to the smaller contractors, thus creating more of them to be out there on the parking lots and gas stations, and even the neighborhood driveways with upgraded and capable recycling systems……. Like I said, look forward to speaking with you much more about this……I am especially intrigued with you notion of chemical emulsification, though not a new concept at all, a grass roots, simplified, and very affordable solution should be possible, looks like you are onto this notion, wish you all the luck in this………. Talk soon……….All the Best!!......Joe Grippi Advanced Pressure Cleaning Solutions LLC……Citronal Company Inc………South Florida
Hi Kevin: Your stuff rocked it. Now these are just on my cell phone as my camera batteries died. I was so pissed, but I think by these you can get the drift. What we did was mist it all with a 'garden pump spray' with a pretty diluted 'green oil lift'... then we had micro fiber wands to go in and out of the wood, however, most of the wood dried without leaving the 'white spots' of the renovation dust. But first of all, we vacuumed the hell out of it with large wet/dry vacs. Then I had a small worker actually go inside the glass/like barrier and clean under all that wood where fine figurines of fish etc. were displayed. I use the 'blue oil lift' for those fixtures as they were made of plastic, rock and rubber. We only had to steam on the bottom portion of this unit. Anyway, the woman will get me the final shots which will be pretty impressive. She said we could use these shots on my website so we'll see what we can do on yours. pretty cool huh? Freak'n 8 and a half hours later. This was a good sized job... Rita
Hi Kevin: Your stuff rocked it. Now these are just on my cell phone as my camera batteries died. I was so pissed, but I think by these you can get the drift. What we did was mist it all with a 'garden pump spray' with a pretty diluted 'green oil lift'... then we had micro fiber wands to go in and out of the wood, however, most of the wood dried without leaving the 'white spots' of the renovation dust. But first of all, we vacuumed the hell out of it with large wet/dry vacs. Then I had a small worker actually go inside the glass/like barrier and clean under all that wood where fine figurines of fish etc. were displayed. I use the 'blue oil lift' for those fixtures as they were made of plastic, rock and rubber. We only had to steam on the bottom portion of this unit. Anyway, the woman will get me the final shots which will be pretty impressive. She said we could use these shots on my website so we'll see what we can do on yours. pretty cool huh? Freak'n 8 and a half hours later. This was a good sized job... Rita